Friday, January 29, 2010

Just added to the Shop!

Beautiful, versatile hand knit sweaters brought to you by BirdieHandmade - knit by my very talented mother in law! Each one is made from an assortment of wools and is totally one of a kind. These beautiful sweaters begin by fitting your little munchkin as a tunic or dress around age 2, and then continue to grow into a vest fitting right up through age 5 or 6. (See the same sweater on both my 2 year old model and my 6 year old model.) This is the sweater that complete strangers will stop you and ask you where it came from. Believe me, it's happened every time we've worn ours out of the house. Very limited quantities, and I can't promise that I'll have others, so snap one up while you can!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the rikrak studio: the 2010 handmade olympics!

the rikrak studio: the 2010 handmade olympics!

Handmade Olympics

Just wanted to let all of you crafters out there know about a great little event going on now - The Handmade Olympics - organized by RikRak Studio, it is sure to bring all sorts of great artists out of the woodwork. Check it out to discover something new - and ENTER IT if you are a crafter!

Pass it on!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Assistant

So, today at the studio, we were working on a little photo shoot of the first of the women's dresses, which of course turned into a mommy and me photo shoot with my little supermodel. I haven't quite gotten all of the photos for the women's dresses edited down yet, but here are a few of the out takes featuring my one and only assistant - Ms. Sunshine.

Working for yourself can be one of the most rewarding, and the most challenging gigs out there. I am blessed to be able to have my little bean with me while I work. Of course that sometimes means that I get a little less done, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Custom Flower Girl Dresses

Just a quick hello now that we're two weeks into the new year - WOW, time is flying by now that I'm back in the studio. I have started taking orders for my Custom Flower Girl Dresses, so spread the word to any brides out there. It's so wonderful to be able to give your flower girl a special little treasure that she can keep and pass on to her daughter some day - and I work with brides to ensure that the dress is exactly what you want. Why not go custom and handmade?

Get in touch, summer will be here before you know it!